Mouse Move

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Mouse Move is a a program that can run hidden to move the users mouse cursor to random positions on the screen.

When you run Mouse Move you will be sent to a configuration screen where you can setup how you want your mouse to move. You can set a variety of options for Mouse Move within one easy to use interface. You can specify the interval of time between each move, the amount of space to move the cursor and in which direction. Once you are ready, you can either run Mouse Move or save off the configuration so the next time it runs the configuration file is used (no user interface). If you have created a mousemove.ini file and want to edit it again, please delete the mousemove.ini file and run the software again.

Why Register?

The free version of Mouse Move you can download is exactly like the version you can register, however the free version has these minor limitations:

To remove these limitations, simply register Mouse Move.

Fully Portable

Screen shots

Click on an image for more detail

How to close

Move your mouse pointer to the TOP LEFT corner of your screen. This will stop the program from running in memory. If you have successfully moved your mouse in the correct position, the program will close and display an About Box Screen. Once you close this screen, the program will exit. Exiting the software will allow Windows to delete the file.

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Windows Support

Mouse Move is supported and tested run flawlessly on these Windows Operatings Systems:
