Help Why is my browser blocking the download of RJL Software's Pranks?

Google Chrome and other popular browsers flag our prank software as "malicious" and block you from downloading any of our software.

Shield Our pranks are 100% Safe & Harmless

Our software is not malicious or harmful or malware or suspicious! We would not be in business if we distributed any software that would be malicious.

Chrome Google Chrome

When you download one of our .zip files, you might notice that Google Chrome displays this:
Chrome Blocked
This notice is telling you that Google Chrome will not allow you download our software.
You can find this explination within Google Chrome's help documentation:
Chrome Help
Google has falsely claimed the software is dangerous. We assure you, it is 100% safe.

Blocked How can I download the software if it is blocked?

You need to change the Safe Browsing protection level in Chrome. By default you have "Standard protection" turned on. You will need to temporarily change your Safe Browsing protection to "No Protection" to download our software. These instructions are from Google Chrome's Help documentation:
Safe Browsing
After changing this you will be able to download any of our RJL Software Pranks to your computer.
Remember to turn Safe Browsing back on! Change your setting to "Standard Protection" after you have downloaded our software.

Anti-Virus After downloading my Anti-Virus software sent the file to Quarantine

Many well known Anti-Virus software vendors incorrectly flag our pranks as malicious or harmful. They are safe! Anti-Virus software is essential tool that people need to protect their Windows operating system from Viruses, Trojans, and other bad stuff.

Unfortunately, most Anti-Virus companies go too far with their Virus/Trojan/Malware protection, and in many cases they classify completely legit software as Virus/Trojan/Malware infection.

The software you can download here is completely safe. We have a detailed write up explaining the problems we have, as well as other small software companies.

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