Random Burper

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Random Burper is just that, a hidden software program that will play gross burp sounds randomly every minute until closed. There are many different burp sounds that our software has to choose from, listen long enough and you might even hear a small fart. Our software has an added feature of turning the internal Windows volume to maximum just before burping, then restoring it back to the original settings. Place Random Burper on an unsuspecting office worker and watch them become red with embarrassment.

This is a must have prank to play on that conservative worker in your office.

Fully Portable

Screen shots

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How to close

Move your mouse pointer to the TOP LEFT corner of your screen. This will stop the program from running in memory. If you have successfully moved your mouse in the correct position, the program will close and display an About Box Screen. Once you close this screen, the program will exit. Exiting the software will allow Windows to delete the file.

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Windows Support

Random Burper is supported and tested run flawlessly on these Windows Operatings Systems:
