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This program will display the standard Windows Illegal Operation dialog box. It appears as though the user's application has crashed. Perfect for replacing a commonly used shortcut, the user will believe there is something wrong with the application, or even with the machine.
With the command line option you can make it appear that the program you just ran...bombed!
Screen shots
Click on an image for more detail
Command line Options
bomb.exe [program to run]
This will run the program you want to run, delay for 5 second, then display the BOMB message. This will simulate that the program you just ran, bombed. For example:
bomb.exe c:\windows\notepad.exe
Not sure what a command line is or how to use it? Read our detailed explanation here.
How to close
Click on the close button.
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Windows Support
Bomb is supported and tested run flawlessly on these Windows Operatings Systems: