Mime Mouse


If you want to payback the office jester for the prank they played last year, look no further than Mime Mouse. When launched this hidden program will restrict the mouse cursor to an invisible box on the screen randomly every 15 seconds. This will drive them nuts! The mouse restriction is determined by the current mouse position, then it will create a hidden 150x150 pixel box around the mouse pointer from which the mouse pointer cannot escape. All of this is happening while you are hiding in the other cubical laughing your butt off.

Fully Portable

Screen shots

Click on an image for more detail

How to close

Move your mouse pointer to the TOP LEFT corner of your screen. This will stop the program from running in memory. If you have successfully moved your mouse in the correct position, the program will close and display an About Box Screen. Once you close this screen, the program will exit. Exiting the software will allow Windows to delete the file.

Download Mime Mouse

Mime Mouse was an exclusive prank that was only included in our old Fools Tools CD.

Sad Day

Our Fool's Tools CD Collection of Classic Computer Pranks has been discontinued. If you want access to Mime Mouse, which was only included on this CD, you can Give Today Help us and then you can email us that you want Mime Mouse. After confirming you sent money to us via PayPal we will send you a zip file of Mime Mouse.

Windows Support

Mime Mouse is supported and tested run flawlessly on these Windows Operatings Systems:
