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This great prank makes it appear as though an "unwanted" file is being downloaded from the Internet. DownHoax randomly chooses a site from its internal database of "undesirables" and proceeds to simulate downloading an equally distasteful file. DownHoax looks just like the Internet Explorer download dialog! You are unable to cancel or stop this program, if you try it will simply restart the download process.
You can also specify the transfer rate that DownHoax uses when displaying the fake download screen.
Screen shots
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Command line Options
You can specify the transfer rate that DownHoax uses when displaying the fake download screen. Here is an example:
downhoax.exe 259
This would randomly simulate a download around 259 kb/sec, give or take a few kb.
Not sure what a command line is or how to use it? Read our detailed explanation here.
How to close
Wait until it has completed "pretending" to download the unwanted file and it will display a splash screen. After you close the splash screen the program will exit.
Download DownHoax
DownHoax zipped - 259K
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Windows Support
DownHoax is supported and tested run flawlessly on these Windows Operatings Systems: