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Have you ever been working in Windows and a small annoying Clippy assistant appeared? We have too, that is why we created this prank software called Clippy.
Clippy is a simulated office assistant that, when ran, will hide in the background for 1 minute then popup in the lower right hand corner of the screen and say something useless. There is no right-click Hide option on our Clippy prank, you will think there is no way to get rid of it (but there is). Every minute, Clippy pops up spouting useless nonsense about your computer. Clippy looks exactly like the annoying Clippy assistant you are used to, complete with sound and a variable size hint box based on the size of the hint.
That is not all! Clippy comes with a dozen or so default messages, but Clippy can be customized to fit your needs. You can create a clippy.txt file within the same directory as Clippy and when loaded, it will read this file to figure out which hints to blurt to the screen. The possibilities are endless. By default, Clippy will randomly read this file to get a line of text. However, there is another option that will tell Clippy not to read it randomly. You can have Clippy ask a series of questions, in order, to really confuse someone. If Clippy encounters a question mark (?) within the line of text, it will display a hint box with YES NO options that can be clicked. Clippy is a hilarious computer prank that will have you laughing for hours.
By default Clippy displays these messages to the user:
- It appears you are connected to the Internet.
- I see that you have been using your mouse.
- Your computer seems to be turned on.
- It looks like your keyboard is working correctly.
- Your productivity has been decreasing lately. I hope everything is ok.
- Sometimes I just popup for no particular reason, like now.
- I have detected a mouse move, this was normal.
- Your posture seems to be degrading, please reposition yourself now.
- Your Windows Desktop icons are still there.
- Your monitor is operational.
- Power to your computer is constant, to protect from data loss you should install a power strip.
- I have detected your F1 key (help) to be working correctly.
- If you ever need any help, just ask me.
- Background processing has rated your typing speed to be below normal.
- Your mouse is dirty. Please clean it to restore optimal performance.
- Unable to follow your instructions.
- It is time to play a game, lets play hide-and-seek.
- Would you like me to go away?
- I thought you should know that today is [date].
- I noticed you have Internet Explorer installed on your system. You can use that to find things on the Internet.
If you want to customize what Clippy says, please follow instructions for creating a clippy.txt here.
Fully Portable
No Installation Required - Runs directly from an
file or folder. -
Self-Contained - Stores settings, configurations, and dependencies in its own folder.
No Registry Modifications - Doesn't change system settings or install drivers.
Portable Storage - Can be copied to a USB drive and used on multiple computers.
Leaves No Trace - Doesn't leave behind files or registry entries after use.
Screen shots
Click on an image for more detail
Command line Options
There are several command line options to Clippy.
clippy.exe [seconds to delay] [norandom]
[seconds to delay] = The number of seconds to delay between each time Clippy is displayed. By default Clippy hides for 60 seconds each time. [norandom] = Turns on random reading of the clippy.txt file.
Example: clippy.exe 20 norandom This would show clippy every 20 seconds and walk through the clippy.txt file from top to bottom.
Not sure what a command line is or how to use it? Read our detailed explanation here.
How to close
Move your mouse pointer to the TOP LEFT corner of your screen. This will stop the program from running in memory. If you have successfully moved your mouse in the correct position, the program will close and display an About Box Screen. Once you close this screen, the program will exit. Exiting the software will allow Windows to delete the file.
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Windows Support
Clippy is supported and tested run flawlessly on these Windows Operatings Systems: