RJLPranks About RJLPranks.com RJLPranks

Welcome to RJLPranks.com-your go-to destination for fun and harmless computer pranks! This site was created to showcase all the prank software developed by RJL Software, Inc., keeping it separate from our other free software offerings.

Email us any problems, suggestions or just to thank us!

Surprise Free, Fun, and Just for Laughs

Yes, our software is completely FREE! We believe that a good laugh shouldn't come with a price tag. If our pranks have brought joy to your life or added some humor to your workplace, consider supporting us to help keep our software free and continuously improving.

Money Support Our Mission!

Your contribution-big or small-helps us maintain and expand our prank collection. Give Today

Freeware Freeware & Usage Guidelines

All the prank software on this site is freeware, meaning you're welcome to download and use it however you like. If you'd like to share our software on your own website, please follow our linking instructions to ensure proper attribution.

Shield Safe, Harmless, and Just for Fun

We design our pranks strictly for entertainment purposes-they will never harm a computer. However, as with any software, use responsibly and with good humor!

Warning Standard Disclaimer

RJL Software, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any damages resulting from the use of our software. Our programs are provided "AS IS", with no warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. By downloading and using our software, you accept all associated risks.

Now, go have some fun! Fun