Pirated Software

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Pirated Software is a prank that emulates the standard software installation or setup. However, the installation walks you through the steps of installing illegal software. Of course this is nothing more than a joke, but you could have a lot of fun with this. Pirated Software starts by displaying a standard welcome screen, there is some text added to make this installation appear illegal. The next screen displays a bogus software license agreement. The final screen summarizes the installation or setup of this program. If the user chooses to finish the installation, a message displays telling them the authorities were notified.

Pirated Software was created to scare users that illegally copy software. For added fun you can burn this on a CD-ROM and make it the autorun so when people put the CD into the computer......Boom! Pirated Software runs.

Screen shots

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How to close

Click on the Close button.

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Windows Support

Pirated Software is supported and tested run flawlessly on these Windows Operatings Systems:
